Finger Injury Claim Calculator – A Complete Guide

Have you suffered a finger injury in an accident due to a third party’s negligence? If so, you could be eligible to make a personal injury claim. You can use our finger injury claim calculator to get an estimate of how much compensation you could receive following a successful claim.

finger injury claim calculator
Finger injury claim calculator guide

A compensation calculator can provide guidance on what you could receive in your settlement. This guide will explore how you can use one and why they are beneficial.

Additionally, you might be wondering: 

  • Why should I use a finger injury compensation calculator?
  • How long do I have to start a settlement for a finger injury?
  • What makes me eligible to make a finger injury claim?

This guide will aim to answer these questions, as well as explore the impact a finger injury may have on your life.

Furthermore, we will look at the evidence you can gather to strengthen your claim. 

You can read on to learn more or you can speak to one of our advisors. They are available to offer free legal advice 24/7. To get in touch: 

Choose A Section

  1. Finger Injury Claim Calculator
  2. What Is A Finger Injury?
  3. How Do Finger Injuries Happen?
  4. What Impact Could A Finger Injury Have?
  5. How Can A Finger Injury Claim Calculator Help Me?
  6. Connect With No Win No Fee Finger Injury Claim Solicitors
  7. Learn More About Using Our Finger Injury Claim Calculator

Finger Injury Claim Calculator

If you win your claim and are awarded compensation for a finger injury, your settlement may be made up of two heads of claim. Firstly, you will receive general damages, which cover any physical and psychological pain and suffering caused by the injuries you sustained.

We have provided you with a table of figures from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). The JCG is a document that legal professionals use to aid them when valuing the general damages portion of settlements.

Although, these figures should only be used as guidance. This is because each finger injury claim is unique, and the settlement you may receive could be different. 

Alternatively, if you can’t find your injury listed in the table, you can use our compensation calculator.

InjuryCompensation Bracket Details
Hand Injury (r)£35,520 to £54,830The thumb is lost.
Hand (q)Around £24,990The terminal phalanges of the index and middle fingers are amputated.
Hand (p)Around of £21,810Amputation of the little and ring fingers.
Hand (s)£19,600 to £35,010Very serious thumb injury.
Hand (t)£12,590 to £16,760A serious thumb injury.
Hand (i)£12,170 to £18,740The index finger is totally or partially lost.
Hand (k)£10,320 to £16,340Serious injury to the ring or middle finger such as a fracture.
Hand (j)£9,110 to £12,240Index finger fracture.
Hand (m)£8,640 to £12,240The little finger is amputated.
Hand (n)Around of £6,000Serious injury to the little finger leading to loss of movement or discomfort, for example.

In addition, you might also be awarded special damages. This head of claim looks to reimburse you for any financial losses endured due to your injuries.

For example, you suffer an index finger injury that stops you from driving. As a result, you have to pay for a taxi to work every day until it recovers. These costs may be reimbursed under special damages. 

Other expenses that may be compensated under special damages include: 

  • Care costs 
  • Medical expenses 
  • Loss of pay 

If you would like to find out more in terms of the settlement for a finger injury you may receive, do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team. They can also explain how to use a finger injury claim calculator and help you understand what your personal injury claim is worth.

What Is A Finger Injury?

A finger injury is any injury that involves the fingers or thumb. The severity of them can vary. For instance, you could suffer: 

  • Minor cuts or scrapes 
  • Damage to the tendons or ligaments 
  • Bone damage 
  • Amputations 

However, not all incidents in which you have sustained harm will form the basis of a valid finger injury claim. You must be able to prove that a third party breached the duty of care they owed you and caused you harm. This is known as negligence. We have explored the duty of care you may have been owed in the section below.

Also, generally, you must start your personal injury claim within 3 years from the date of the incident as per the Limitation Act 1980

For more information on when you could be eligible to claim, get in touch on the number above.

How Do Finger Injuries Happen?

There are different third party’s who owe a duty of care. For example:

  • As per the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, your employer must take reasonable steps to remove or reduce the risk of harm in the workplace. However, there may be instances where they fail to do so. For example, you slip and fall and break several fingers on a wet floor that has not been signposted or cleared despite there being reasonable time to do so.
  • The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 states that the person in control of a space must ensure it is safe to use for its intended purpose. They must take reasonable steps to do so as part of their duty of care. However, there are situations where they may fail to do so. For example, you crush your thumb on a faulty piece of equipment in the gym that hadn’t been properly or regularly maintained.
  • The Road Traffic Act 1988 sets out the duty of care road users have to act in a way that reduces the risk of causing harm to others on the road. Additionally, the Highway Code provides guidance and rules for different road users. Another driver is on their phone while operating their vehicle resulting in them crashing into you head on. Consequently, your fingers are crushed and you sustain other severe injuries.

To find out whether you’re eligible to make a road traffic accident claim, accident at work claim, public liability claim or other type of claim after sustaining harm due to third party negligence, get in touch on the number above.

How Often Do Injuries Happen?

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) outlines an employer’s responsibility to report certain incidents and injuries to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

The HSE collates these reports into useful accident at work statistics. According to these statistics, there were 18,988 non-fatal injuries to upper limbs in 2020/21. This included 5,181 to one or more fingers or thumbs. 

Please note, these statistics only relate to accidents at work.

What Impact Could A Finger Injury Have?

A finger injury can impact your life in various ways. The impact can vary depending on the severity of the injury.

For example, a finger injury that leads to several fingers being amputated may have an impact on your daily routine. The injury may also impact your mental health if you struggle to come to terms with the lifestyle changes. You could also experience anxiety due to the cosmetic changes.

Another example could be a broken thumb stopping you from doing your job until a full recovery is made. As such, you could experience a financial impact. For example, you could experience a loss of pay due to taking time off work. 

The compensation you receive seeks to account for the different ways in which your injury has affected your life. Our finger injury claim calculator could help you get an estimate of how much your claim is worth. Call us on the number above. 

How Can A Finger Injury Claim Calculator Help Me?

A finger injury claim calculator is a quick and easy way to find out how much compensation you may be entitled to. However, before learning how much compensation you could receive, you may wish to understand more about the steps you can take following an accident.

When seeking compensation for a finger injury, you should gather evidence to support your claim. This can include:

  • CCTV footage
  • Witness contact details
  • Police report, if applicable
  • Dashcam footage
  • Pictures of your injuries
  • Pictures of the accident
  • Medical evidence, such as doctor or hospital reports

For more information on the evidence you could gather, get in touch on the number above.

Connect With No Win No Fee Finger Injury Claim Solicitors

You may find it beneficial to opt for a solicitor providing their services under a No Win No Fee arrangement. The solicitors from our panel can offer their services under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) which means you won’t pay your solicitor for the services they provide if your case is unsuccessful. 

Although if your case is won, you will have to pay your solicitor a success fee. This will be legally capped and taken from your compensation.

For more information, please get in touch using the contact details below.

Get Help Using Our Finger Injury Claim Calculator

If you’re unsure how to use our finger injury claim calculator or you have questions about how it works, you can get in touch with our advisors. They can also discuss your potential claim.

To get in touch:

Learn More About Using Our Finger Injury Claim Calculator

We have included some further reading below:

Additionally, we have provided you with some of our own guides that could be helpful:

Thank you for reading our guide on how to use our finger injury claim calculator. If you have any other questions, please get in touch on the number above.

Writer Beck Pratt

Editor Meg Marshall