In this guide, we refer to our compensation calculator, which can also be used as a tibia fracture compensation calculator.
Have you suffered a spiral fracture to your tibia due to an incident you weren’t liable for? Has a distal tibia fracture that wasn’t your fault left you unable to work? Have you experienced a decline in your quality of life due to someone else’s negligent driving resulting in a proximal tibia fracture? If you’ve experienced a broken tibia due to an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be able to claim.

This guide will:
- Look at potential tibia fracture symptoms.
- Provide different scenarios for how you could suffer this injury, from a car accident to criminal injury, so you can better understand your position when it comes to claiming.
- Highlight why using our panel of No Win No Fee solicitors could result in you receiving compensation.
Our advisors offer free legal advice and are available 24/7. So, if you have any questions or queries, you can call them at a time that suits you on 0800 408 7826. Alternatively, please read on to find out more about how a compensation payout calculator could help you.
Jump To A Section
- A Guide To Using A Tibia Fracture Compensation Calculator
- What Is A Tibia Fracture?
- What Am I Entitled To After An Accident?
- What Could Cause A Tibia Or Shinbone Fracture?
- How Many People Are Injured In Workplace Accidents?
- What Medical Care Costs Could You Claim?
- How to Check What You Could Claim With A Tibia Fracture Compensation Calculator
- How Much Is A Fractured Leg Claim Worth?
- Tibia Fracture Compensation Calculator
- No Win No Fee Tibia Fracture Claim Agreements
- Get Free Legal Advice About Making A Claim
- Ask If We Could Calculate Your Injury Claim
- What To Read Next
- Broken Bone Accident Claim FAQs
A Guide To Using A Tibia Fracture Compensation Calculator
A tibia fracture, or any leg injury, can severely affect your mobility, meaning that you may not work for some time as a result. Even if you can, there could be an obvious decline in your quality of life for a period, which is why you may want to make a personal injury claim.
This is where our tibia fracture compensation calculator can help. By inputting certain details, such as the type of injury, the context and any losses, we can provide you with an accurate estimation bracket.
However, if you’d like an accurate estimate from our advisors, why not get in touch? They can take every aspect of your claim and give you a free estimate.
What Is A Tibia Fracture?
The tibia bone is one of two leg bones that run from your knee to your ankle. As such, if you suffer a broken tibia, it can greatly affect your mobility. Symptoms of a broken leg include:
- Intense, prolonged pain
- Further pain when you attempt to apply pressure to it
- A cracking noise as the injury occurs
- Feeling sick, faint or dizzy due to shock
Upon reaching the hospital, the medical team may apply a splint to the leg to stop further damage. An X-ray may then be performed. This is partly because tibia fracture swelling could make it difficult to assess the injury without an X-ray.
NHS guidance outlines different treatment methods based on the severity of the injury. They include:
- A plaster cast if the bone is still in position.
- A procedure called reduction if the bones are misaligned. This is so the bones can be put back in place. It involves general anaesthetic with a plaster cast being applied after.
- Surgery if it’s a severe fracture. Rods, plates and screws are usually used to realign the bones and are only taken out if they become a nuisance. After surgery, a plaster cast may be applied.
You may have specific questions about this kind of injury, such as “what is a buckle fracture of the tibia?” This is a fracture that can frequently happen in children. This is because your child’s softer bones can buckle or bend due to the pressure being applied to their leg. Often their other leg bone, the fibula, isn’t affected.
We recommend you enquire about making a personal injury claim when you’re fully aware of the severity of the injury. Always check with your doctor regarding this.
What Am I Entitled To After An Accident?
There are two potential heads of claim when making any personal injury claim. Firstly, general damages compensate you for the physical pain or psychological harm caused by the accident that wasn’t your fault. Special damages, meanwhile, compensate you for the financial losses caused by the injury. This means you could claim for losses such as:
- Loss of earnings
- Loss of future earnings
- Travel costs to and from medical appointments
- Prescriptions/medicine
One thing to consider: just because you receive compensation for general damages does not mean you’ll receive special damages compensation. This is because they are judged independently based on the evidence provided.
For free legal advice regarding making a claim, contact our advisors using the phone number at the top of this page. You can also use our personal injury calculator to get an accurate estimate in moments.
What Could Cause A Tibia Or Shinbone Fracture?
In this section of our guide exploring how a tibia fracture compensation calculator can help you, we look at what can cause such injuries.
Many instances could cause a leg injury, such as a tibia fracture. This section is designed to outline examples of how you could be injured and provides examples of instances in which you may claim.
Car Crashes
The key to making a successful personal injury claim revolves around negligence. You need to be able to show that the injury was caused due to someone else’s negligence. To prove this, you need to highlight that the person who caused the accident had a duty of care to you and that they breached this when causing your injury.
So, for example, every road user has a duty of care to one another under The Highway Code. Essentially, road users should use the roads with standard care and skill. Negligent conduct could be defined as behaviour that specifically goes against these rules. As such, if a road traffic accident was caused by someone else’s negligence and resulted in your injury, you may be able to claim.
Examples of this include:
- A drunk driver colliding with your car due to swerving directly into your lane, causing you injury.
- A car accident being caused due to another driver running through a red light and colliding with another driver who is consequently injured.
- Drivers under the influence of drugs could also be considered negligent. For instance, this could result in a vehicle colliding with yours and causing you injury because the other driver was going above the speed limit.
One thing to consider when claiming for a road traffic accident: if your injuries are worth less than £5,000, you would need to claim through a different method. This is outlined in The Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021. However, before you decide to claim this way, give us a call using the phone number at the top of this page. Your injuries may be worth more than you think and a tibia fracture compensation calculator, though helpful, may not be as accurate as legal advice when it comes to incorporating special damages.
Bike And Motorcycle Accidents
You could also be injured by bike and motorcycle accidents. Any road user is obliged to follow The Highway Code. As such, if someone else’s negligent driving resulted in you suffering tibia fracture symptoms, you could look to claim. Examples of instances where you may be able to claim include:
- A car collides into your motorcycle due to them running a red light. This could lead to a distal tibia fracture, for example.
- While on your bike, a car could be speeding down the wrong side of the road. As such, you could collide with it, causing a proximal tibia fracture.
- While filling up your motorcycle with petrol, another car could collide with it due to overaccelerating into the space behind. As such, you could suffer a spiral fracture to your tibia, for example.
Pedestrian Accidents
If you’re a pedestrian simply crossing a road, you are still, technically, a road user. As such, there are still rules you need to abide by but, since you can still be a victim of negligent driving, you could still be in a position to make a claim.
Examples of instances where you may be able to claim include:
- A car crashing into you as you use a zebra crossing and causing you injury. A zebra crossing means that you have the right of way so the driver should use standard skill to stop the car before the collision.
- A car collision occurring as you’re using a crossing causing you injuries. The driver could be seen as liable if the collision occurs while the traffic light is red as it indicates that they need to stop, but they disregard it.
- While walking on the street, a car speeding recklessly could crash onto the pavement, hitting you. This could lead to you suffering injuries.
Accidents In A Public Place
There are other instances where you could claim due to someone breaching their duty of care. Controllers of places that are accessible to the public should take measures to protect visitors’ safety. This is outlined in the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957.
Basically, they need to make sure that the public place is safe enough for visitors. With that in mind, if you get injured because the place wasn’t safe enough, you may be able to claim. In such situations, it could be argued that the controller was negligent. Examples of this include:
- A slip, trip or fall caused by a paving stone being an inch higher than the others. This could cause tibia fracture swelling, leaving you unable to work as your injury heals.
- Falling down the stairs due to a faulty handrail that the controller neglected to fix.
- Exposed wiring, that the occupier didn’t safely secure, causing you to slip and injure yourself. This could result in you using a tibia fracture compensation calculator.
Accidents In Shops
A public place can be an area where the public is allowed to visit, including a shop. In being able to visit the location, the controller of the space is effectively agreeing to adhere to the legal responsibilities of using the space in this capacity. So, if you injure yourself due to negligence in a shop, you could still claim. Examples of this include:
- You could trip and fall due to a wet floor with no warning signs, despite staff having noticed it.
- A foreign object, such as a mop, could be discarded on the floor. If you fall over it and injure yourself, you may be able to claim due to the potential breach in health and safety rules. You could be left with, for example, a buckle fracture of the tibia.
- Poorly stacked objects on shelves could result in the shelf collapsing. As such, you could suffer a proximal tibia fracture leading you to use a compensation payout calculator.
Workplace Injuries
You could also suffer an injury from an accident at work. Your employer has a duty of care to all of their staff. This is detailed in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Basically, your employer needs to supply you with a work environment to conduct your role safely and securely. If they do not do that and you’re injured as a result, you could potentially claim that the injury was due to negligence. Examples of this include:
- Being supplied with faulty work equipment, such as a step ladder, results in you suffering a fall, causing a tibia fracture.
- Insufficient training causing you to use work equipment incorrectly, resulting in a distal tibia fracture.
- Suffering an accident at work causing tibia fracture symptoms due to being told to lift something too heavy.
Criminal Injuries
If you’re looking to claim due to suffering a criminal injury from an assault, for example, you would need to claim through a different method. You would use the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) to launch the claim. They use the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 to outline the amount of compensation you could receive for each injury.
Our panel of No Win No Fee solicitors can still help you claim for such injuries.
Examples of incidents in which you could go through the Criminal Injury Compensation Authority (CICA) to claim include:
- Being the victim of a sexual assault.
- Being the victim of a mugging, which has involved you taking a direct strike to the body. This could result in you suffering a spiral fracture in your tibia.
- Suffering a direct strike to the body due to being the victim of an armed robbery at home.
How Many People Are Injured In Workplace Accidents?
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) provides statistics about work-related injuries. As you can see above, this graph provides a snapshot of how reported non-fatal injuries in the workplace have decreased across the years.
From almost 300,000 incidents in 1979 to over 65,000 in the figures for 2019/20, there has clearly been a huge decline. However, this indicates that there are still a lot of workplace accidents that result in injuries.
As such, don’t feel like you shouldn’t claim simply because you assume that this is a freak accident. If your injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence, you have every right to see if you can claim. Use our tibia fracture compensation calculator today to give you a quote in minutes or, if you prefer, call our advisors for free legal advice using the phone number at the top of this page.
What Medical Care Costs Could You Claim?
In claiming for financial losses caused by the injury, you could also claim care costs. To make a successful claim regarding these losses, as with any, your personal injury solicitor will request evidence. Types of medical care costs that you could claim for include:
- Physiotherapy sessions (that the NHS couldn’t cover) to help with the healing process.
- Professional care costs if you needed to use the services of a nurse, for example, at home for recovery.
- Gracious care provided by your family while you recovered.
- Prescription costs or medicine costs.
To prove these costs, you would need to provide evidence such as receipts or bills.
How to Check What You Could Claim With A Tibia Fracture Compensation Calculator
Our compensation payout calculator takes information about your injury to give you an accurate estimate of what you could receive. This comes in the form of a compensation bracket.
The Judicial College forms these compensation brackets. While the courts ultimately decide the amount of compensation you receive (if the claim goes to court), the Judicial College has analysed general damages payouts based on injuries and their relative severity. As such, they have developed accurate compensation brackets for every type of injury you could claim. As we use these brackets, we can provide you with a very accurate compensation estimate.
How Much Is A Fractured Leg Claim Worth?
Compensation for a fractured leg claim can vary dramatically depending on the severity of the injury and its consequences.
To value general damages, you would need to attend a medical assessment. An independent medical expert would assess your injuries and refer to your other medical notes (if applicable) to create a report. The report would show:
- How severe your injuries are.
- That the accident at least contributed to the injuries. (If the medical professional finds no link between the injuries and the accident that wasn’t your fault, you may find it difficult to claim.)
Your solicitor could also use the report to help them when valuing your claim.
Special damages are the second head of claim you could receive. This compensates you for the financial losses caused by the injury. For example, as a consequence of the injury, you may have:
- Medical expenses such as prescription costs
- Loss of earnings due to taking time off work to recover
- Care costs if you hired someone to care for you, or your family provided gracious care
To successfully claim any financial loss, your personal injury solicitor will request evidence to prove it. This includes providing evidence such as:
- Receipts
- Invoices
- Bank statements
For more information on what you could use as evidence to claim, or how much it could be valued at why not reach out to us?
Tibia Fracture Compensation Calculator
Our tibia fracture compensation calculator can provide you with an accurate estimate in a matter of minutes. It’s clear, precise and easy to use. In just a few clicks, you could have a breakdown of what you could receive.
Below is a list of injuries and their relevant compensation brackets. The Judicial College supplies these figures in the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). Legal professionals use the JCG to help them when valuing injuries. We created the below compensation table based on these figures to demonstrate what you could claim.
Injury | Type | Amount of Compensation | Description |
Severe Leg Injuries | (iii) Serious | £36,790 to £51,460 | This bracket includes serious comminuted fractures as well as injuries to joints or ligaments causing instability. This will result in prolonged treatment and extensive scarring, amongst other symptoms. |
Severe Leg Injuries | (iv) Moderate | £26,050 to £36,790 | Multiple or particularly complicated fractures. This bracket can also include severe crushing injuries, usually to a specific limb. |
Less Serious Leg Injuries | (i) Less Serious | £16,860 to £26,050 | Fractures where an incomplete recovery is made. They could, for example, have a defective gait or a metal implant. |
Less Serious Leg Injuries | (ii) Simple Fracture of a Femur with No Damage to Articular Surfaces | £8,550 to £13,210 | Simple fracture to the femur with no further complications or repercussions to your body. |
Less Serious Leg Injuries | (iii) Simple Fractures to Tibia or Fibula or Soft Tissue Injuries | Up to £11,110 | The top of the award bracket will be simple tibia or fibula fractures with some ongoing minor symptoms. |
Ankle | (c) Moderate | £12,900 to £24,950 | Ligamentous tears or fractures that result in difficulty walking on unsteady ground and difficulty standing for prolonged periods of time. |
Ankle | (d) Modest Injuries | Up to £12,900 | Less serious, minor or undisplaced fractures. |
We completely understand if you’d like a more accurate estimate. For us to do this, please get in touch. Our advisors offer free legal advice and could give you an accurate estimate from just one phone call. Call them now using the phone number at the top of this page.
No Win No Fee Tibia Fracture Claim Agreements
Our panel of solicitors offer their services on a No Win No Fee basis. This means:
- Your personal injury solicitor will not request legal fees either upfront or during the claim. Instead, they take a legally capped portion of your compensation as payment.
- Your personal injury solicitor will not request legal fees if your claim is unsuccessful.
As such, you can rest assured knowing that they won’t waste your time. They will only take your case if they feel you have a reasonably good chance of success.
Get Free Legal Advice About Making A Claim
Our tibia fracture compensation calculator can give you a compensation estimate in minutes. In addition, we have advisors available 24/7 so, if you have any questions or queries, give them a call.
They offer free legal advice and you won’t be under any obligation to proceed with the services of our panel of solicitors. However, if you have a favourable claim, they could connect you with them if you like.
Our experienced panel of No Win No Fee solicitors could help you receive thousands of pounds in compensation.
- Call us on 0800 408 7826
- Write to us using the Live Chat service on the right-hand side of your screen.
- Contact us via our website
Ask If We Could Calculate Your Injury Claim
If you don’t want to use a personal injury calculator, don’t worry. Our advisors can provide you with useful information, are available 24/7 and can work out the amount you could claim.
What’s more, you won’t be under any obligation to proceed with the services of our panel of lawyers. So, don’t delay. If you want an accurate compensation estimate, call us today.
What To Read Next
For more useful information, please see the links below.
For more information about dealing with a child with a fractured fibula or tibia, visit this page on the NHS website.
The Department for Transport supplies road accident statistics.
To know more about preventing slips and trips at the workplace, visit the HSE website.
Have you suffered a broken leg and want to see if you can claim? If so, visit our website.
Click here if you have a broken ankle caused by someone else’s negligence and would like more information about what the injury could be worth.
Sustained a broken foot from an accident that wasn’t your fault? If so, read our guide to see if you can claim.
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Broken Bone Accident Claim FAQs
For answers to frequently asked questions about such injuries as a tibia fracture, see below.
How long could a break or fracture take to heel?
It purely depends on the extent of the injury. The recovery time can range from six weeks to much longer. Please refer to your doctor regarding this.
What are the different types of fracture?
Examples of fractures include an open, compound fracture, a transverse fracture and an oblique fracture.
How serious is a fracture?
It varies depending on the severity of the injury. It could be a simple injury that requires a cast, or it could involve surgery if it’s a more complicated fracture.
Can I claim if someone else was to blame?
Yes, you possibly could because someone else’s negligence causing the injury is why you’d look to claim at all. You can use our compensation calculator to see how much you could receive today.
Thank you for reading our guide to a tibia fracture compensation calculator.
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