This article will provide information about making a medical negligence claim after sustaining harm from being wrongly prescribed quinine. Further down, we’ll discuss how this medication could affect your health and what illnesses and injuries it could lead to.
An important part of this article will be looking at the medical negligence claims process. This will include looking at the evidence you could gather to support your case, the time limits that must be adhered to when initiating a claim and what damages could be awarded if your case is successful.
Medical professionals have a duty of care to their patients. This means they are legally obligated to provide adequate care to their patients at all times. Medical negligence derives from the failure of a medical professional to adhere to professional standards when treating their patients, which results in them sustaining harm.
If you have any questions or want to start a medical negligence claim, then you can contact our team of advisors for legal advice by using the following contact information:
- Call us on 0800 408 7826
- Enter your details into the contact us section of our website
- Chat with one of our advisors by using the Live Support feature on our website.
Choose A Section
- How Do I Claim Compensation For Wrongly Prescribed Quinine? – A Guide
- When Can You Claim For Being Wrongly Prescribed Quinine?
- Potential Evidence That Could Help You Claim
- Compensation Amounts For Wrongly Prescribed Quinine Claims
- Use Our Panel Of No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Claim Solicitors
- Read More About How To Claim For Being Wrongly Prescribed Quinine
How Do I Claim Compensation For Wrongly Prescribed Quinine? – A Guide
This guide will examine the eligibility criteria for a medical negligence claim if you’ve been wrongly prescribed quinine. If you were prescribed the wrong medication, you might be able to claim for medical negligence, provided that you can prove this happened because a medical professional breached their duty of care and that this caused you avoidable harm.
The government states that quinine has significant toxicity in overdose. Additionally, they describe the adverse events you could experience whilst using this medication which can include:
- Abdominal pains
- Disturbed vision
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Impaired hearing
In the next section of this guide, we’ll discuss this in more detail and some examples of medical negligence. It will also look at eligibility to claim after being wrongly prescribed quinine. In the meantime, you can contact our advisors anytime by using the contact information above.
Compensation Amount For Wrongly Prescribed Quinine Claims
Doctors and all other qualified medical professionals are legally obligated to provide a duty of care to their patients. The General Medical Council outlines this.
A medical negligence claim can be made when the correct standard of care isn’t met, and a person is injured.
Important criteria that can prove that medical negligence has taken place include:
- Showing you were owed a duty of care.
- Showing this duty was breached by a qualified professional.
- This breach caused you unnecessary harm.
Below are different examples of how a person could wrongly be prescribed quinine:
- When diagnosing you, a GP doesn’t consider your known allergies, incorrectly prescribing you quinine that causes you to have an allergic reaction.
- Being prescribed quinine because of an error regarding test results.
- Dispensing errors. You might wrongly be given quinine after being prescribed a different drug. This could happen if the pharmacy gives you quinine by mistake.
Additionally, it’s important to note gathering evidence of any negligence is key when it comes to making a claim. So, in the next section, we have listed the types of evidence you could gather to support your claim.
Potential Evidence That Could Help You Claim
Evidence is vital when making a claim. Below are a few different types of evidence that can help to strengthen your claim.
- Gathering evidence of what happened – witnesses’ details
- Keeping notes of any medical practitioners’ names or location names.
- Asking for copies of any medical records produced.
As per The Limitation Act 1980, a claim must be started within three years of the date of the incident or, in this case, the date that you became aware that medical negligence had occurred. There are exceptions to this, though. You can contact our advisors anytime if you’d like to learn more about the time limitations of making a claim.
Compensation Amounts For Wrongly Prescribed Quinine
General damages compensation is one of the heads of claim you could be awarded in a successful claim. It aims to compensate you for any avoidable pain or suffering you have experienced as a result.
Solicitors refer to the Judicial College Guidelines JCG to help value what your claim could be worth. Below we have used compensation brackets from the JCG in the table.
Injury | Compensation | Notes |
Illness/Damage Resulting from Non-traumatic Injury | £38,430 to £52,500 | (i) Severe toxicosis causing serious pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and sometimes having permanent effects. |
Illness/Damage Resulting from Non-traumatic Injury | £9,540 to £19,200 | (ii) Serious but short-lived diarrhoea and vomiting, diminishing over two to four weeks. |
Partial hearing loss/Tinnitus | £29,710 to £45,540 | (i): Severe tinnitus and NIHL |
Partial hearing loss/Tinnitus | £14,900 to £29,710 | (ii) Moderate tinnitus and NIHL or moderate to severe tinnitus or NIHL alone |
Injuries Affecting Sight | In the region of £268,720 | Total Blindness |
Injuries Affecting Sight | £95,990 to £179,770 | (i) Loss of sight in one eye with reduced vision in the remaining eye. |
Injuries Affecting Sight | £9,110 to £20,980 | (g) Minor but permanent impairment or vision in one of both eyes. Including cases where there's some double vision. |
Furthermore, it’s important to note that these figures aren’t guaranteed. This is because of the many different aspects that must be considered when valuing general damages.
How Can You Claim For Special Damages After Being Given Quinine Medication By Mistake?
Special damages are another head of a claim. These can compensate you for the financial implications that have resulted from medical negligence. These damages aim to reimburse a claimant for any financial losses they may have experienced.
Below are examples of expenditures you could be reimbursed for.
- Cost of care
- Loss of earnings
- Cost of renovations to your home in aid of recovery
- Cost of medication
To receive special damages compensation, you have to provide evidence to prove these costs. This can come from bank statements, receipts, or invoices.
Use Our Panel Of No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Claim Solicitors
You can contact us at any time by using the information below for advice pertaining to making a medical negligence claim after being wrongly prescribed quinine. Providing you have a valid claim, one of the solicitors from our panel could be appointed to your case. All the solicitors on the panel work on a No Win No basis. But what is No Win No Fee?
A solicitor providing services via a No Win No Fee agreement may use a Conditional Fee Agreement CFA. Generally, the solicitor will not require an upfront fee. Should the claim be unsuccessful, generally no fee will be required to pay them for their services. However, under a CFA, your solicitor will deduct a percentage from the award if your medical negligence claim is successful. This percentage is capped by the Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013.
- Call us on 0800 408 7826
- Enter your details into the contact us section of our website
- Chat with one of our advisors by using the Live Support feature on our website.
Read More About How To Claim For Being Wrongly Prescribed Quinine
You can read more of our guides below if you have more questions about making claims after wrongly prescribed quinine.
- How To Claim For Multiple Injuries
- Dental Negligence Claim Calculator – A Step-By-Step Guide
- Medical Malpractice Settlement Calculator – What Is Your Claim Worth?
Alternatively, you can read more by following these external guides
- How Do I Know If I’ve Broken A Bone?
- Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) guidance from the government
- Key NHS statistics
We hope this guide has helped provide some information on how to claim after being wrongly prescribed quinine. If you have any further questions, contact our advisors by using the details provided above.