CICA Claims Calculator – See What You Could Get For Your Claim

If you have recently been injured due to a crime of violence, a Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) claims calculator could help you value your injuries. When making a criminal injury claim, you could make your claim against the perpetrator directly (if you know who they are) or a vicariously liable party such as a workplace or school. Alternatively, you could make your claim through the CICA.

CICA claims calculator
CICA claims calculator guide

This guide aims to help you understand whether you can make a valid criminal injuries claim. Additionally, we will provide you with the potential impacts you could experience following a criminal injury.

However, we understand that you may want to speak to someone personally about your specific claim. If this is the case, you can contact one of our friendly advisors today. We are here to help you by offering free legal advice regarding your criminal injury claim.

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Choose A Section

  1. CICA Claims Calculator
  2. What Is A CICA Claim Calculator?
  3. How Do Criminal Injuries Happen?
  4. What Impact Could Criminal Injuries Have?
  5. How Can A CICA Claims Calculator Help Me?
  6. Connect With No Win No Fee Solicitors And Use Our CICA Compensation Calculator
  7. Learn More About Using Our CICA Claims Calculator

CICA Claims Calculator

When pursuing a criminal injury claim through the CICA, you may receive special expenses within your settlement. These must be reasonable, necessary and incurred as a direct result of the incident you’re claiming for. 

Some of the special expenses you could claim compensation for could include:

  • Any physical aid equipment that was damaged in the incident, e.g. hearing aids.
  • Home adaptations you need due to your injuries, e.g. stairlift.
  • Specific equipment you need to cope with your injuries, e.g. a mobility car.

To claim special expenses, you need to show that you lost earnings or earning potential for at least 28 weeks following the incident. Special expenses can be backdated to the date of the incident, however.

Additionally, you could also claim back for a loss of earnings as part of your claim. However, you will only be compensated from the 29th week onwards. This is because you can receive Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) up to this point. 

Payment for your injuries

Furthermore, you will receive compensation for your injuries in a successful criminal injuries claim through the CICA. Below we have provided a compensation table to help you understand how much you could receive for your injuries. The following figures have been taken from the Tariff of Injuries set out in the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2021.

KidneyOne or both kidneys have been seriously damaged and lose natural function.£55,000
LegOne leg has been amputated below the knee.£33,000
ArmThe non-dominant arm is amputated.£33,000
BackA invertebral disc has been ruptured and will require surgery to remove it.£11,000
FootThe tarsal bone is fractured in one foot, resulting in a considerable continuing disability.£6,200
Tibia (shin bone)One leg's tibia is fractured, resulting in a continuing serious disability.£4,600
KneeOne knee cap is dislocated, causing a significant disability.£3,500
ShoulderFrozen shoulder that causes a continuing disability.£3,500
HipOne hip has been dislocated or fractured. However, there will be a significant recovery.£2,400
WristBoth wrists are sprained with a disability lasting 13+ weeks.£1,800

It is important to note that you can claim for up to 3 injuries from the main CICA tariff. If you do, you will receive 100% compensation for the most highly valued injury, 30% for the injury with the 2nd highest value and 15% for the injury with the third highest value. Additionally, your claim may be valued differently if you decide to claim against the perpetrator or a vicariously liable party.

Call our advisors today if you would like more information on how a CICA claims calculator could help you value your injuries.

What Is A CICA Claim Calculator?

You can make a criminal injury claim through the CICA if you have suffered an injury in a violent crime and you meet the eligibility criteria for claiming. The definition of a crime of violence is included in the CICA scheme. In the next section, we will explore how you could suffer an injury due to someone else’s criminal actions.

However, there are certain criteria you must meet in order to claim through the CICA:

  • You have reported the incident to the police.
  • You must make your claim within the relevant time limits.
  • The incident must have occurred in England, Wales, Scotland, or another relevant place, such as a boat registered in one of these countries.
  • You must have been injured in an act of violence. This can include physical injuries such as a broken arm sustained in an assault, as well as psychological injuries, for example, from sexual abuse.

Furthermore, you could also claim if you were bereaved due to a crime of violence. However, you must be a qualifying relative to claim for bereavement, which includes a child, spouse, sibling or parent.

A CICA claims calculator could help you value how much you could receive for your injuries if you were injured in an act of violence. Alternatively, you can also speak with one of our advisors for specific guidance regarding your claim.

How Do Criminal Injuries Happen?

Criminal injuries can happen in a variety of scenarios. For example, you may suffer a criminal injury at work due to your employer forcing you to work alone when you’re at risk of violence and should be accompanied by a colleague.

This could result in you being attacked by a member of the public, causing you to sustain a broken jaw, a broken nose and a broken wrist. In this particular scenario, your employer has breached their duty of care owed to you as stated in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.

Furthermore, you could sustain a burn injury resulting in facial scarring because of an arson attack on a building you were in. Because arson is considered a crime of violence in the CICA scheme, you may be able to claim compensation.

A CICA claims calculator may be able to help you value your injuries if you have been injured in a crime of violence. Speak with our team today for more information.

Criminal Injury Statistics

The CICA has provided criminal injury statistics in their Annual Report & Accounts 2021-22.

They stated that in 2021/22, they received 34,925 new applications. Additionally, they stated that they resolved 30,973 cases and made 37,468 decisions in 2021/22. 

What Impact Could Criminal Injuries Have?

Your physical and mental well-being may have been impacted if you have sustained an injury in a crime of violence. Due to the nature of the incident, you may have been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or anxiety. For example, you might be scared to leave your house in case you’re attacked again, or you might experience flashbacks of the attack that caused you to be injured. 

The severity of your injury may have impacted your quality of life also. You may also have to make changes to your daily life, such as being unable to play sports due to a broken leg. Additionally, you may have to take time off work.

One of our advisors could listen to you about how your injuries have affected you and provide a valuation of your claim. Speak with a member of our team today for free legal advice.

How Can A CICA Compensation Calculator Help Me?

A CICA claims calculator could help you value how much your injuries are worth if you were to make a criminal injuries claim.

However, certain evidence may be required by the CICA in order for you to make a successful claim, such as:

  • Proof you meet the residency requirements and that the incident happened in Great Britain.
  • Proof that you reported the incident to the police, e.g. police reference number.
  • Medical evidence of your injuries.
  • Financial evidence for financial losses.

The CICA will then be able to communicate with the police to confirm that you have cooperated with them in their investigations. They will also confirm whether you have any unspent criminal convictions that might impact how much you receive or see an award withheld altogether.

For more information on what evidence may be required, contact us today.

Connect With No Win No Fee Solicitors And Use Our CICA Compensation Calculator

If you want to make a criminal injury claim, a No Win No Fee agreement could allow you to access the work of a legal professional with no front or ongoing fees. There are many kinds of No Win No Fee agreements, such as a Conditional Fee Agreement.

With a No Win No Fee agreement, if your claim is not a success, you will generally not be obligated to pay them for their services. However, your solicitor will take a legally capped success fee from your compensation in the event that you’re awarded a settlement. 

Contact us today for information on how to use a CICA claims calculator. If you have a valid claim, you could be connected with a lawyer from our panel. 

Get Help Using Our CICA Claims Calculator

A CICA claims calculator could help you value your injuries. However, if you are looking for more information about how to make a criminal injury claim, you can contact our advisors. We are available 24/7 to offer you free legal advice about your claim.

Talk to us today about your criminal injury claim:

Learn More About Using Our CICA Claims Calculator

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Speak with our team today for more information on how a CICA claims calculator could help you value your claim.

Writer Megan Rowland

Publisher Fern Scott