Hand Injury Compensation Calculator – A Full Guide

Our hand injury compensation calculator can help you value your personal injury claim. If you’ve been injured due to third-party negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. In this guide, we will explain how to calculate a settlement for a hand injury.

Hand injury compensation calculator
Hand injury compensation calculator guide

Evidence is important to support your claim and prove the severity of your injuries. We will discuss what evidence can be used in your case and how you could go about collecting it.

No Win No Fee claims are a way of funding the work of a legal professional. To learn more about these agreements and the benefits that they can offer, please read on.

Alternatively, to speak to a member of our team, use the following contact information:

Choose A Section

  1. Hand Injury Compensation Calculator
  2. What Is The Definition Of A Hand Injury?
  3. Examples Of An Accident Causing A Hand Injury
  4. Potential Impact Of Suffering A Hand Injury
  5. How Can A Hand Injury Compensation Calculator Benefit Me?
  6. Connect With No Win No Fee Solicitors To Make A Hand Injury Claim
  7. Find Out More About Using Our Hand Injury Compensation Calculator

Hand Injury Compensation Calculator

If you have been injured as the result of a breach of duty of care, you could be entitled to compensation. Our hand injury compensation calculator gives examples of how much you could receive.

In personal injury claims, compensation can be awarded through two heads:

  • General damages compensate you for the physical and psychological damage you sustained as a result of the accident.
  • Special damages reimburse you for the financial losses you’ve incurred. This includes any travel costs, medical bills and loss of earnings you suffered due to your injuries. Proof must be provided to claim for special damages.

Our calculator displays information published in the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). It shows examples of compensation brackets for multiple injuries.

Legal professionals use this publication to help them in valuing claims. Since every claim is individual, compensation brackets will vary; these figures should be used as a guideline only.

Total or Effective Loss of Both Hands£140,660 - £201,490Serious injury resulting in extensive damage where both hands are rendered mostly useless.
Total or Effective Loss of One Hand£96,160 - £109,650Includes injuries where the hand is crushed and requires surgery or fingers and some of the palm are traumatically amputated.
Amputation of Index, Middle and/or Ring Fingers£61,910 - £90,750The hand can barely be used with an exceedingly weak grip.
Serious Damage to Both Hands£55,820 - £84,570Injuries include permanent disability and significant loss of function.
Serious Hand Injuries£29,000 - £61,910Injuries will have reduced hand to half of its original function.
Severe Fractures to FingersUp to £36,740Can lead to partial amputations resulting in deformity, impaired grip and disturbing sensation.
Less Serious Hand Injury£14,450 - £29,000Injuries caused by severe crush accidents resulting in impaired function.
Total and Partial Loss of Index Finger£12,170 - £18,740This bracket also covers injury that gives rise to disfigurement and impairment of grip or dexterity.
Moderate Hand Injury£5,720 - £13,280Injuries include penetrating wounds, crush injuries and soft tissue damage.
Fractured Index Finger£9,110 - £12,240Injury where the fracture healed quickly but impaired grip remains alongside heavy pain.

What Is The Definition Of A Hand Injury?

Injuries can occur in multiple areas of the hand, including the wrist and in each finger. If you’ve suffered from a hand injury, the NHS offer advice on coping with various forms of pain.

The hands are a very important body part. They enable you to carry out a wide range of tasks. If your hands are injured, this might prevent you from working or caring for yourself and others.

Furthermore, the hands are a cosmetically important part of the upper limbs. If you injure these and you experience mental injuries, such as anxiety, as a result, then this could affect your claim.

Our hand injury compensation calculator can help see how much you could receive. Or, if you would rather speak with an advisor from our team, get in touch.

Examples Of An Accident Causing A Hand Injury

In order to make a personal injury claim, you must prove that your hand injury occurred due to third-party negligence. This means that you must show the following:

  • Firstly, a third party owes you a duty of care. The duty of care you are owed will depend on the scenario you’re in.
  • Secondly, this duty of care was breached; this is an example of negligence.
  • Finally, an accident occurred due to failure in duty of care, and you sustained an injury as a result.

This duty of care is highlighted in the three following central legislations.

  • The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974: Your employer owes you a duty of care in the workplace. Failure to uphold this can lead to an accident at work, such as a burn injury, because of a lack of training in handling equipment.
  • The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957: The party in control of the space owes you a duty of care. Negligence can lead to slip and fall accidents; for example, if you’re in a supermarket and a spill has not been cleaned up in an appropriate timeframe.
  • The Highway Code: All road users owe each other a duty of care. Acting negligently can lead to serious road accidents. For example, a driver travelling down the wrong side of the road could cause a head-on collision with another road user, resulting in a brain injury as well as multiple fractures to your arms and hands.

If you cannot see your accident type listed above, you may still be able to make a claim. Use our hand injury compensation calculator to value your potential settlement total. Otherwise, contact our panel of advisors with any queries.

Recent Statistics For Hand Injuries

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reported on key health and safety statistics in Great Britain in 2020/21. These figures reported through the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 show that 51,211 injuries were sustained by employees. 3,200 non-fatal hand injuries were reported, with 1,053 of these classed as specified. 3,782 wrist injuries were also reported.

Potential Impact Of Suffering A Hand Injury

Hand injuries can result in various side effects depending on the seriousness of each individual case. For example, some injuries may lead to finger or hand amputation. Amputation might be traumatic (meaning that it occurs in the accident itself) or surgical (meaning it’s done in a hospital as part of the recovery process). This could severely impact the amount you’re able to use this body part.

Even if your hand isn’t amputated, your use of it might be impeded. For instance, you might have a reduced grip. This could stop you from working or undertaking activities that you were able to do before. Furthermore, you might no longer be able to work, which can affect you financially.

This effect on your work and social life could lead to struggles with anxiety and other mental health conditions. You could also suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after your accident, which can greatly impact your future life.

Using our hand injury compensation calculator, you can calculate how much your injury could be worth. Speak with an advisor to see if you have a valid claim.

How Can A Hand Injury Compensation Calculator Benefit Me?

A hand injury compensation calculator is a helpful tool to use when approaching your personal injury claim. It can help you to see how much your claim might be worth.

It is a good idea to consider what evidence you have to support your claim, as the proof you supply can strengthen your case. Examples of evidence can include:

  • CCTV footage or dashcam footage showing the accident taking place
  • The contact details of any witnesses who saw the accident take place
  • Photographs of the scene of the accident and showing the severity of your injuries
  • Medical evidence, including prescriptions and doctors reports, proving both the severity of your injuries and the value of any financial losses

It is important that you collect as much evidence as you can to support your claim. Additionally, it is advised that you receive legal advice in anticipation of claiming as a lawyer has the experience necessary to ensure that all aspects of your claim are addressed.

Our advisors are available anytime that suits you and can offer free legal advice and answer any questions you may have.

Connect With No Win No Fee Solicitors To Make A Hand Injury Claim

If the legal process seems daunting to navigate alone, you may consider legal representation for your hand injury claim. If so, you might benefit from funding the work of a lawyer with a Conditional Fee Agreement.

Working with a solicitor on this kind of No Win No Fee basis grants you access to legal support with no upfront costs. Furthermore, there’s nothing to pay your solicitor during your claim, and you don’t pay for their services if the claim isn’t a success.

You will pay a small legally-capped success fee if your claim is successful. This is taken from your settlement total, and the legal cap prevents you from being overcharged.

Contact us today for more guidance on claiming. If you have a valid case, they could connect you with a lawyer from our panel.

Get Help Using Our Hand Injury Compensation Calculator

Our advisors are available to answer any questions you may have regarding a hand injury compensation calculator. We can also offer information that will help you start your personal injury claim.

To connect with our panel of personal injury solicitors, use the following details:

    • Call us on 0800 408 7826
    • Message us directly through the live chat
    • Write your questions on the contact form, and we will be in touch

Find Out More About Using Our Hand Injury Compensation Calculator

Use the following links to access more resources that could help you with your personal injury claim:

You can see advice on how to manage a broken arm or wrist on the NHS website.

Support regarding Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is available on the government website.

The NHS annual reports and accounts are available for 2020/21. Information includes statistics regarding payouts, areas of medicine and key risks.

Alternatively, see the links below to access more of our guides:

Soft Tissue Injury Settlement Calculator – A Full Guide

How Is Car Accident Compensation Calculated?

Work Injury Compensation Calculator

You can contact our team for more hand injury compensation calculator support. Thank you for reading.

Writer Jess Aisling

Publisher Fern Scott